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Environment and Sustainability at Lucy Jorge

At Lucy Jorge we only use the very best products with exceptional performance but that doesn't mean it has to be at the expense of the environment. We are cruelty free including all of our hair and beauty partner brands. With Lucy Jorge you can achieve guilt and cruelty free hair and beauty.

Cute fluffy baby rabbit

Cruelty Free Brands

At Lucy Jorge we love animals and have made a conscious effort to partner with brands that love our furry friends as much as we do. Beauty without bunnies!!

PETA logo


KEVIN.MURPHY will not harm nor test on animals. We avoid the use of any ingredient that will damage or harm animals and the environment in any way at all.

Pulp Riot

Animal cruel free, vegan and paraben-free range of hair colours.

Sienna X

As a ‘cruelty free’ professional brand, none of the products within our range have been tested on animals.

Here at sienna X we are against product testing on animals, as well as carefully monitoring the ingredients we use within our formulations.

Ugly Duckling Nails inc

Ugly Duckling polishes are kind to both the environment and animals as they are cruelty free, vegan and free of formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, toluene, dibutyl phthalate and camphor.

Green leaves in the shape of a heart

Green Salon Collective

Green  Salon Collective logo

We are proud members of the Green Salon Collective and thankful for their support in aiding us towards a greener future. Founded by environmental experts, hairdressers & eco campaigners, GREEN SALON COLLECTIVE is the original authority on salon sustainability throughout the UK and Ireland wide.

Green Salon Collective facilitate salon sustainability by recycling the unrecyclable. Their profits raised from the sale of all commodities get redistributed and recycled too by supporting charities & local communities, as well as aiding all salons on their own journey towards a greener future.

HairHow to recycle hair
We all know that if hair is long enough we can donate it for wigs, but what about the 99.9% of hair that isn't long enough? There are many ways to recycle hair including, hair booms, hair mats, gardening and composting.

Zero hair to landfill
Zero hair to landfill words

Hair booms & mats?

We all know that hair absorbs oil, we’ve all had oily hair at some point. It was this simple idea that led to the concept of Hair booms & hair mats. It was an American hairdresser back in 1989 named Phil McCroy who came up with the idea of using hair to stop the spread of oil in the sea.Essentially, a hair boom is hair cuttings of any length or colour tightly packed into cotton or nylon tubes. These booms, when placed in either water or on the shores of beaches will stop the oil from spreading, saving wildlife and the natural landscape. We will also be getting the machinery to make hair mats. Hair mats can be used in a similar way to the booms, they can be used on land, parks, gardens and even your street or driveway. Hair mats can be used for oil or water and there have already been great results seen when used by plumbers, mechanics, and in local parks.

Who in the UK & Ireland are using hair booms?

That’s where we come in. Green Salon Collective is the first provider and manufacture of hair booms & mats in the UK & Ireland.

Hair for Gardening & Composting?

One of the first things we learn about hair is that it is a protein and like other proteins, it will breakdown when composted. So throwing away hair is like throwing away food! We will be giving hair that doesn't make it to a boom or a mat to many farmers and gardeners.

Zero metals to landfill
Zero metals to landfill words

Metals - How to recycle used foil & colour tubes
It's an age-old question. Can used hairdressing foil be recycled? With Green Salon Collective the answer is, HELL YEAH, it can! 
However, you may get a different story from your local council...

Research from Eco Hair & Beauty shows that UK hairdressers recycle a frightening/shocking/pathetic 1% of their foil.

It's not just used foil, it's all salon metals that are being sent to landfill. Your hairspray cans and many styling products are likely to be made from metal, colour tubes are metal and even the can of pop you had at lunch should be recycled too.

​A major issue for many council collections is that your foils are too dirty and contaminated, but for us, the dirtier the better as every foil with excess colour on it is colour that is not going down the sink or being sent to landfill. So give us your dirtiest foil!

Colour & Bleach

No matter how gentle your colour & bleach is for the hair we must keep it away from the natural environment.

Zero chemicals to landfill
Zero chemicals to landfill words

The current options of down the sink and into landfills are the worst possible solutions for any toxic chemicals.

Over time, the colour and bleach leach toxins that form part of leachate. Leachate is the liquid formed when waste breaks down in the landfill and water filters through that waste. This liquid is highly toxic and can pollute our soil and groundwater, and become an environmental hazard for years.

Zero PPE to landfill


Where possible when using PPE it's always better to use items that can be washed and used again. When it comes to gowns, aprons & masks compostable or washable versions are available.

Zero PPE to landfill words

If you do use single-use PPE we can recover this and turn it into clean energy.

Plastic - How to recycle Plastic

Our goal here is simple. Keep plastic away from landfills. Only a shocking 20% of plastic in the UK gets recycled.

Your plastic stays fantastic
Your plastic stays fantastic words

We will be working with the Precious Plastic machines to create new items. Watch plastic guru Dave to learn more.

Reducing Environmental Impact

KEVIN.MURPHY we have removed and will continue to remove plastics from the oceans and waterways at a 1:1 ratio for their packaging. But they won’t stop there, they will continue to explore new methods, new partners and listen to new ideas to make sure their packaging leaves the smallest footprint possible for the next generation.

We want to do what we can to reduce the plastic waste generated by our salon. Any plastic waste from the salon is recycled as far as possible and we encourage you to recycle any empty bottles from our products. The plastic containers from KEVIN.MURPHY products are all recyclable, we also only use paper bags and not plastic and we have replaced the plastic salon trollies with recycled card alternatives.

At Lucy Jorge we are also doing what we can to reduce our carbon footprint. We have reduced our energy consumption by installing low energy LED lighting and energy efficient appliances. We also actively encourage our employees to car pool and walk to work.

“I have always been passionate about environmental issues, but it wasn’t until I created my first line of products that I really became aware of just how much harm the production processes of any product can have upon the environment.”    – Kevin Murphy

At KEVIN.MURPHY, they make every effort to help and protect the environment by utilising packaging that is recyclable or biodegradable. They use only natural ingredients from sustainable and renewable sources, that are harvested in a way that does no harm to the environment at all.

Ecoheads Shower Head

Water is essential to all life on the planet, it's becoming a depleted environmental resource that we need to consider in the salon. In light of this, to create a more effective salon solution, we are replacing our shower heads with the efficient alternative from Ecoheads.

It has been estimated that by 2025, two-thirds of the world will be water-stressed. The average salon basin currently uses over 150 gallons of water per day. By using Ecoheads innovative shower heads, there are potential savings of up to 98 gallons of water in a single basin, as they use up to 65% less water than regular shower heads. In addition we are also using the SUGARCANE.BOWL-LINER from KEVIN.MURPHY. This convenient insert is designed to fit inside the COLOR.ME colour bowl, reducing the need for rinsing between colour applications, significantly reducing water usage in the salon. Made from 100% renewable sugar cane fibre with zero plastic or wax coating, each insert is completely compostable within 30 days making it the conscientious choice for colour.

We have been investigating eco towels for use within the salon. Whilst they fit perfectly with our vision we are yet to find a solution that performs as well as a traditional towel. We will continue to investigate eco towels but in the meantime we are using ecoeggs in our laundry to reduce the plastic waste associated with traditional laundry detergent packaging and we only use the most energy and water efficient appliances we can.

As a salon we will continue to investigate other ways we can reduce our impact on the environment.

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